Dvl Dvirtual Library Hospital Library In A Box+Dvl Dvirtual Library Md+A2z
The Central Library is located on the Ground floor of the institution. It
has a floor area of 2401 Sq.mts. All the floors have internet
connectivity. The library is well illuminated and air conditioned. It has
a good ambience and is free from noise. Outside reading room has
capacity of 150 students.
The library works from 9:00 am to10:00 pm on all working days,
and 10:00am to 5.00pm on Sundays.
Library is closed on National Holidays
at the initial phase the central library has more than 5704 text and
reference Books. Library has membership of various national and
international journals. All the Library facilities and services are
supported by qualified and efficient staff members; who provide
information services to the users. It is also made available to end users
with- in campus. All library services will be made automated in very
near future.
We also have Dvl Dvirtual LibraryOnline Journal Library.
Aim of the library is to fulfill the academic demands of students and faculties.
Provide the best possible search and support to cater the students and faculties.
Provide information and guidance to the research scholar about their needs for books and journals.
To develop library automation in a short span of time.
To contribute information to present and future health care providers and to the needy.
To develop E-Library - anywhere and everywhere.
Various Sections of the Library
Ground Floor
Librarian Room
Assistant Librarian Room
Book issue/return counter
Reading & stacking section
New journal display section
Outside reading section
Xerox machine Room
Library Staff Room
E-Library Section
Fist Floor
Reading & Stacking
Reference Section
Binding Room
Store Room
Journal Section
Video cassettes & C.D. Room
Dy. Librarian Room
P G Room
Fully Computerized
Search Enquiry System (OPAC)
Computer Facilities
Browsing Centre - 40 Systems
Library Server - 1 System
Issue/Return - 2 Systems
Librarian - 1 System
Library committee
Dr. Rekha Vimal Gupta Prof & Head Gynecology, Chairman
Dr. Neelam Charles Prof. & Surgury, Member
Dr. Dhruvendra Pandey Asso Prof. Community Medicine, Member
Dr. Ranjeeta Akse Asso Prof. Anesthesia, Member
Dr. Smriti Tiwari Asst. Prof. Pathology, Member
Dr. Ritesh Churihar Asst. Prof. Pharmacology, Member
Dr. Shailendra Chauhan Asst. Prof Pathology, Member
Library Staff
Mr. Than singh dangi, Librarian
Mr. Madan Singh Dudwa, Dy. Librarian
Mrs Dipendra Kunwar Rathore, Asst. Librarian
Mr. Michael Paul Bishwas, Asst. Librarian
Mr. Dixant Chaware, Asst. Librarian
Mr. Sachin Kumar Sharma, Cataloguer
Mr. Sunil Kumar Yadav, Document list
Mr. Mastram Ojha, Peon
Mr Vikram Singh Solanki, Guard
Reference service
Internet services
E-mail services
CD-ROM Access
E- Journal Access
Video Library
Bibliographic Service
Preservation of Books & Journals
Dvl Dvirtual Library host Online Journal Library
Preservation of Books & Journals
Dvl Dvirtual Library host Onlinejurnal library
Browsing Centre
Browsing centre is Air-conditioned and has 40 terminals
The library is well connected by intranet to other departments.
Faculty members can search the availability of books and communicate with the librarian.
Skill Laboratory
This central library is unique in having "Skills Lab" to train faculty and students on
electronic information technology and gain experience in the following.
The skill lab is located in the First floor with the capacity to accommodate 15 persons.
Central Library Data - 2021
Available Books - 7133
National Journals 2020-2021 - 30
International Journals 2020-2021 - 15
Dvl Dvirtual Library Hospital Library In A Box+Dvl Dvirtual Library Md+A2z
Back Volume Journals 54
National Journals 54
International Journals 20